Must-See Life Sciences Webinars
Discover Expert Methods for 3D Imaging, Microorganism Identification, MicroRNA Expression Analysis and More
5 Aug 2015
Watch the top Life Science webinars to improve your research
Discover new methods and innovations to improve your research in these top SelectScience Life Sciences webinars. Watch the webinars on-demand, for free!
1. Light Sheet Imaging for Fast 3D Live Cell and Tissue Imaging
In this webinar, Thomas Planchon, PhD, of the Biophotonic Imaging Laboratory at Delaware State University, and Thai V. Truong, PhD, of the Translational Imaging Center at University of Southern California, discuss the principles and advantages of light sheet microscopy. A variety of case-studies and applications are also presented, offering an informative insight into live cell and tissue imaging techniques. Watch the webinar>>
2. Preventing Contamination in Cell Culture
Contamination is a common challenge in life science laboratories that can be prevented by employing simple strategies, technologies and identification tools. In this educational webinar, Dr. Jessica Wagener, Eppendorf, shares her knowledge of the identification of contamination and procedures to make your cell culture work safer, more reliable and more efficient. Watch the webinar>>
3. In-Vivo Two-Photon Imaging of the Diseased Nervous System
In this webinar, Prof. Dr. Thomas Misgeld, Professor for Neuronal Cell Biology at TUM, and Dr. Kai Kuetemeyer, Product and Application Specialist at Olympus, discuss how high-sensitivity and resolution can be achieved with the use of in-vivo two-photon imaging. The requirements for in-vivo two-photon imaging in the spinal cord and the study of axon degeneration in relation to neurological diseases are also highlighted. Watch the webinar>>
4. Identification of Microorganisms using MALDI-TOF
The identification of microorganisms for quality control is highly important within production industry settings, such as pharmaceuticals. Identification needs to be accurate, quick and efficient. In this webinar, Jennifer Reyes explains how Genzyme Inc. implemented MALDI-TOF in a QC microbiology laboratory for the identification of microorganisms. A number of case studies presented demonstrate MALDI-TOF performance to be time and cost effective. Method tips for improved extraction of bacterial and fungal samples are also discussed. Watch the webinar>>
With critical functions in biological processes and a role within disease biology, miRNAs are of significant interest to the life science field. In this webinar, Dr. Ariane De Ganck, Product Manager, Transcriptome Services at Biogazelle, discusses the combined approach of whole genome miRNA profiling using small RNA sequencing and targeted miRNA validation. Workflows and a number of case studies are presented. Watch the webinar>>
Metabolomics provides an insight into cellular processes and is increasingly being used to identify biomarkers in cancer research. The analysis of these small, polar metabolites can be challenging as many are isobaric and require separation before detection. In this webinar, Terri Christison and Dr. Junhua Wang, of Thermo Fisher Scientific, discuss how ion chromatography, coupled with high resolution accurate mass spectrometry (IC-HR/AM), provides superior chromatographic resolution and sensitivity to address the analytical challenges needed to differentiate isobaric metabolites. Watch the webinar>>
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