Latest Videos from the SelectScience® Clinical Collection
A selection of some of the latest videos available to our clinical community
13 Jul 2016

The SelectScience video collection includes exclusive video interviews, like this interview with Dr Christian Bleiholder on cancer metastasis research.
This video highlight collection contains exclusive scientist interviews on influenza detection, clinical mass spectrometry and cancer research. You can also learn more about clinical next generation sequencing for cancer biomarkers, and automated infectious disease diagnostics.
1. Reliable Sequencing for Detection and Identification of Cell-Free Tumor DNA
Dr Tobias Paprotka, Director of Research & Development at GATC Biotech, describes how the GATCLIQUID service family provides high quality and reproducible sequencing, suitable for diagnostic identification of cancer biomarkers.
2. Efficient Automation of Indirect Immunofluorescence
This video is an introduction to the automation systems from EUROIMMUN for IIFT in autoimmune and infection diagnostics, encompassing sample processing, image acquisition, pattern evaluation and data management and archiving. See how the innovative systems can improve efficiency in the lab and increase integrity of results.
3. Fast, Accurate Detection of Influenza in the Clinical Laboratory with the Alere™ i
Dan Hanna, South Sioux City Laboratory Supervisor at Family Health Care of Siouxland, Nebraska, USA, explains how the Alere i enables his lab to accurately detect influenza in under 15 minutes, while improving the experience for both technician and patient.
4. Physiology Platforms from Prior Scientific
Explore Prior Scientific's physiology solutions for microscopes, such as adjustable mounts and micromanipulators.
5. Maintenance & Certification of a Biological Safety Cabinet
This video explains how important proper preventative maintenance, yearly maintenance, and certification are for maximizing products life as well as keeping up to date with industry standards to eliminate safety hazards.
6. Investigating Trafficking of Immune Cells to Combat Cancer Metastasis
Chemokines are important for a number of diseases, including cancer metastasis. Dr Christian Bleiholder, Assistant Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida State University, discusses how Bruker’s timsTOF™ system enables him to resolve different conformations of transport proteins to elucidate the role of chemokines in cells trafficking within the immune system.
7. Integrating LC-MS/MS into the Clinical Laboratory
Watch this video to hear Brian Keevil, Consultant Clinical Biochemist at the University Hospital of South Manchester, discuss the advantages of integrating LC-MS/MS into a clinical analytical laboratory.