Join SelectScience in Supporting UNEP-World Environment Day and WaterAid
4 Jun 2015
Support the United Nations Environmental Programme’s (UNEP) World Environmental Day with SelectScience. Throughout June, SelectScience will be celebrating and raising awareness of World Environmental Day by inviting scientists around the world to help improve research by writing product reviews. For each review received and published during this campaign, SelectScience will donate $5 to WaterAid.
World Environmental Day galvanizes individual actions into a collective power that generates a positive impact on the planet. At SelectScience, we publish product reviews from genuine scientists, and through our Environmental Review Campaign, these individual experiences will become a collective influence that can be used to further research and promote consuming with care.
We will be publishing reviews from scientists around the world to demonstrate how the scientific community can work together to raise money without increasing carbon footprint. In addition, we will be celebrating the scientists, organizations and companies that help to create a more sustainable way of living through a special series of editorial articles.
Write a review today, tell your colleagues and spread the word. Science is at the forefront of creating a more sustainable planet Earth; let's join together to make the world a better place to live.
Take part in the Environmental Review Campaign.
WaterAid is an international organization that aims to improve the lives of the poorest people by improving access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene.