Highlights from ASMS 2015
SelectScience attended this year's ASMS show to bring you the latest new and advances in mass spectrometry
14 Jun 2015

Get all the news and technology launched from the 63rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, held in St Louis, MO, USA
Learn about a new high-speed LC-MS/MS from Shimadzu, see how Waters takes ion mobility from research to routine with its new benchtop IMS QTOF, and discover a new MALDI-TOF MS Tissuetyper™ solution from Bruker. Plus, don't miss our exclusive video interviews from the show on our dedicated ASMS page.
Product highlights:
The Vion IMS QTOF Mass Spectrometer from Waters
New LC-MS/MS Provides Superior Speed and Sensitivity for the Utmost in Quantitative Detection
Bruker Introduces MALDI Tissuetyper™ Solution with New High Speed rapifleX™ MALDI-TOF MS System
Agilent Technologies Introduces New Q-TOF Mass Spectrometry