Highlights from ASMS 2015

SelectScience attended this year's ASMS show to bring you the latest new and advances in mass spectrometry

14 Jun 2015
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Get all the news and technology launched from the 63rd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, held in St Louis, MO, USA

Learn about a new high-speed LC-MS/MS from Shimadzu, see how Waters takes ion mobility from research to routine with its new benchtop IMS QTOF, and discover a new MALDI-TOF MS Tissuetyper™ solution from Bruker. Plus, don't miss our exclusive video interviews from the show on our dedicated ASMS page.

Product highlights:

The Vion IMS QTOF Mass Spectrometer from Waters 

New LC-MS/MS Provides Superior Speed and Sensitivity for the Utmost in Quantitative Detection 

Bruker Introduces MALDI Tissuetyper™ Solution with New High Speed rapifleX™ MALDI-TOF MS System 

New Protein Analysis Kit from Thermo Fisher Scientific Provides Sensitive, Reproducible and Fast Results

Agilent Technologies Introduces New Q-TOF Mass Spectrometry 

SCIEX Announces Game-Changing LC-MS/MS Customer Solutions 

For more information, see our dedicated ASMS page >>

