Ensure Your Blood Bank’s Cold Chain
30 Dec 2014
The World Health Organisation (WHO) describes the blood cold chain as "a system for storing and transporting blood and blood products, within the correct temperature range and conditions, from the point of collection from blood donors to the point of transfusion to the patient"1.
In a hospital transfusion laboratory, the cold chain starts when the lab receives the blood bags from the donor centre to the time that the blood is transfused to the patient, or is otherwise disposed of. During this time period, it is imperative that the blood is stored within a strict temperature range, between 2 and 6°C. Blood that is subjected to temperature variations outside this range could seriously affect the quality of the blood, resulting in reduced clinical effectiveness. An increased risk of bacterial growth in blood stored at sub-optimal temperatures could also cause life-endangering transfusion reactions in the recipient.
The Dometic Blood Cold Chain strictly observes international standards and WHO-tested and recommended specifications. This enables the laboratory to keep the blood safe through precisely temperature controlled transport and storage solutions.
The Dometic BR range of blood bank refrigerators allows for the legally safe storage of blood bags/erythrocyte concentrates at 4°C, according to Medical Device 93/42/EEC. The BR range comprises five blood refrigerators that are built in compliance with the requirements of DIN 58371 (Germany, “Blutkonserven-Kühlgeräte”/ Blood Refrigerators), ÖNORM K 2030 (Austria, ”Blutkonserven-Kühlschränke”/ Blood Refrigerators) and European Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.
Featured Products:
- BR 110 GG Blood Bank refrigerator
- BR 490 G / GG Blood Bank refrigerator
- BR 750 G / GG Blood Bank refrigerator
- Blood traceability for blood bags
1. WHO Blood Transfusion Safety http://www.who.int/bloodsafety/processing/cold_chain/en/