ELRIG UK and The Protein Society partner to advance protein sciences in drug discovery
The partners will host a joint conference on ‘Protein Sciences in Drug Discovery’ in Cambridge, UK, from November 18–19, 2024
27 Jun 2024
Elizabeth Meiering, left, and Melanie Leveridge, right
The European Laboratory Research & Innovation Group (ELRIG) UK, a not-for-profit, volunteer-led organisation for the drug discovery community, has partnered with The Protein Society (TPS), an international, not-for-profit, scholarly society. Their mission is to provide forums for the advancement of research into protein structure, function, design, and applications. The partners will collaborate to deliver a joint conference on ‘Protein Sciences in Drug Discovery’, bringing together their respective communities to focus on the application of emerging areas of protein science to the challenges of drug discovery.
Protein Sciences in Drug Discovery 2024 will take place from November 18–19 in Cambridge, UK. The interactive event will bring together scientists from academia, pharma, biotech and CROs. Discussion topics will include high-throughput methods for protein expression, approaches for generation of antigens for antibody and vaccine discovery, analytical techniques to interrogate protein quality, the application of cryogenic electron microscopy (cryo-EM) for druggability, and sequence-based predictive methods.
The free-to-attend conference will also include poster presentations, networking sessions as well as a vendor exhibition, and offers travel bursary opportunities for early career professionals.
Melanie Leveridge, Chair, ELRIG UK, and Vice President Discovery Biology, AstraZeneca, said, “Our organisations share a unifying goal — to provide a platform that enables academia and industry to exchange knowledge that supports innovation and fosters collaboration across the life science community. So, we are delighted to join forces with the renowned Protein Society to deliver this year’s Protein Sciences in Drug Discovery event.”
Prof Elizabeth Meiering, President, The Protein Society, and Professor at University of Waterloo, said, “We are excited to launch this unique interdisciplinary event in partnership with ELRIG. Bringing together leading experts from complementary disciplines provides an exceptional opportunity to communicate the latest advances and techniques in protein science and how to apply them to support drug discovery.”
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