Are cell counting issues affecting your experimental success?
Logos Biosystems CEO, Neon Jung, explores how existing cell counting challenges can be addressed everywhere, from small academic research to large pharma industries
20 Mar 2020

In this exclusive interview, we hear from Neon Jung, CEO of Logos Biosystems, who founded the company in 2008 and commercialized the first automated cell counter, LUNA™, in 2012. Since then, it has been Logos Biosystems’ ethos to develop high-quality, easy-to-use, and innovative instruments for biologists around the globe — and now it believes it’s devised the ultimate cell counting technology to “end the debate”.
Jung notes that the past decade has seen a significant move towards automated solutions, which has sparked growing interest in more versatile laboratory solutions. Various new companies developed automated cell counters hoping to accommodate this emerging demand, but the new systems cost upwards of $50,000, which made it difficult for them to penetrate the research market.
Jung explains: “Our team redesigned the automated cell counter, so that it can truly compete with manual methods and, as a result, successfully introduced the LUNA series. Most recently we have been working to develop our most advanced automated cell counter, the LUNA-FX7™.”

A universal cell counter — regardless of application field
After the introduction of the LUNA series, researchers continued to challenge Logos Biosystems with a variety of fresh requirements and requests. Jung explains that the broad range of needs, dependent on the field and application, seemed difficult to resolve in a single instrument. However, Logos Biosystems remained determined to develop one, simple system for all.
“We wanted to solve the most common issues that many users are facing, such as counting accuracy and autofocus issues,” says Jung. “To improve this, we have adopted new technology and counting strategy and launched LUNA-FX7 to end the debate.” Gone are the days where you need several different systems for all your separate applications, the new LUNA-FX7 is designed for any researcher who wants to count cells, whether they are in a small academic laboratory or large pharmaceutical facility.
Key benefits of the LUNA-FX7
- Autofocus function
- Low coefficient of variation (1%)
- 21 CFR part 11 compliance
- Remote management
- Bioprocessing package
- Wide range of cell counting slides
- Low consumable cost
It is well-known that manual cell counting is a laborious and time-consuming procedure, that results in inter- and intra-variation from the researchers. However, users of automated cell counters also experience difficulties that need to be addressed by new cell counters. The LUNA-FX7 promises two key features that are designed to make it stand out from existing cell counters. The first is the offering of dual fluorescence with improved fine-focus and a new autofocus algorithm, as Jung explains: “Users of cell counters currently have to find the focus manually, and finding this fine-focus can be very subjective by scientist.” In addition to scientist subjectivity, Jung notes that factors such as human error, cell condition, and cell-staining efficiency historically lead to varying levels of variation in cell counts. As a result, the LUNA-FX7 has been designed to provide the lowest coefficient of variation (CV) to date (1%).
Jung also explains how the LUNA-FX7 addresses the unique challenges for customers working in industries such as pharmaceuticals and GMP facilities. Researchers in these fields still experience low measuring volumes, low-throughput, lack of 21 CFR part 11 compliance, and lack of validation tools. So, these customers require products that pass very strict QC, validation, and security functions (like 21 CFR), such as the LUNA-FX7.
Constant innovation and social responsibility
Despite the tough competition, Logos Biosystems strives to remain an innovative and high-value company in the cell counter market. Jung is proud to be acknowledged by its customers, noting the strength of the product reviews program on Selectscience: “Our multi-national customers love using the LUNA cell counter family and have voluntarily left product reviews to share their experiences with others. This led to us being awarded a Gold Seal of Quality within a year. We aim to maintain this good reputation by providing innovative technology, exceptional after-sales service, and affordable products. We also have the long-term aim of becoming a company with high social responsibility, starting with last year’s promotion that placed a donation to breast cancer research when the customers purchased a LUNA-II system.”
Top tips from the experts
Dr. Olivia Park, Bioteam Leader at Logos Biosystems, shares her top tips for achieving cell counting success:
Ensure optimum concentration range through either serial dilutions (for cell numbers over 3X10^6) or concentration (cell numbers <3X10^5)
Properly suspend the cells to provide more single cells and less clustering
Sample cells in a fully and homogeneously suspended condition
Accurately calculate the dilution for passage down
Hemocytometer manual counting has required the researchers of quick and good judgment of live and dead cell verdicts

Don’t just take our word for it, hear what over 150 reviewers have to say about the LUNA™ series, including this review for the LUNA-FL™ Dual Fluorescence Cell Counter from Dr. Ilaria Malpighi, of San Raffaele Hospital:

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