Agilent announces full workflow for US EPA method 1633 for targeted PFAS analysis
Streamlined analysis of 40 PFAS compounds in wastewater and soil
4 Jun 2023
Agilent Technologies Inc. has announced a highly-anticipated, complete workflow solution for targeted per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) analysis using the United States (US) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 1633 (3rd Draft). EPA Draft Method 1633 currently analyzes 40 PFAS compounds in wastewater and soil and is a complex and labor-intensive method, relying on multiple sample preparation and analysis steps. Success in running the technique depends on careful sample handling and the appropriate sample preparation supplies and instrumentation.
The new workflow synchronizes with the recent launch of the Agilent 6495 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS (LC/TQ) system along with specific PFAS consumables, including the Agilent Bond Elut PFAS WAX Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Cartridges that provide the best recoveries while eliminating PFAS contamination and background, as well as the Agilent Infinity Lab PFC-free HPLC conversion kit, ‘PFAS-free’ Agilent vials and caps and other consumables. Specific data reporting needs for EPA 1633 are addressed through Agilent’s MassHunter Software, and sample tracking of the entire workflow can be done using the Agilent SLIMS Lab Management Platform enabling automation in data review and sample tracking which increases efficiency.
Agilent’s Bond Elut PFAS WAX SPE Cartridges are explicitly designed for PFAS analysis, providing excellent extraction performance and flow rates for a broad range of PFAS compounds while complying with stringent regulatory requirements. The cartridges undergo PFAS-specific QC testing to ensure optimal cleanliness and recovery, so customers can confidently isolate PFAS from environmental matrices, such as wastewater and soil.
SLIMS simplifies the intake of analytical requests and streamlines task management. Connected to the 6495 LC/TQ SLIMS guides users through the workflow and ensures the instrument, consumables and reagents are fit for purpose. MassHunter software generates specific instrument data reports passing the information to SLIMS for evaluation of results and creation of the certificate of analysis.