ResourceGeneral Lab

Drug Extraction from Whole Iris-Ciliary Body Pork using Minilys Homogenizer

26 Aug 2015

PharmOptima, experienced in ophthalmology studies, currently uses Precellys to homogenize a variety of ocular tissues as cornea, conjunctiva, lens, iris-ciliary body, trabecular meshwork, sclera, retina, choroid, optic nerve. In this application note, Minilys has been compared to current method (Precellys) to homogenize whole iris-ciliary body from pork. Minilys homogenizer is an alternative for the standardization of sample preparation, especially designed for low throughput laboratory workflows and personal use, Minilys can homogenize 3 samples simultaneously in 0.5ml/2 ml tubes or 1 sample in 7 ml.

