SelectScience InterviewsLife Sciences

Standardization and automation for liquid biopsy solutions in oncology

25 Mar 2024
Standardization and automation for liquid biopsy solutions in oncology

Tecan brings together a diverse panel of experts to discuss strategies to accelerate the development, validation, and clinical use of liquid biopsy assays and innovative technologies. This roundtable discussion aims to provide different perspectives on how to better inform medical decisions and improve patient care and outcomes.

  • 0:00 - 02:41 Introduction of Speakers
    Host: Klaus Lun, Executive Vice President Life Science Division, Tecan
  • 02:42 - 16:00 The Future of Liquid Biopsy: Creating Standards and Overcoming Challenges
    Speaker: Lauren Leiman, Executive Director, BloodPAC Consortium
  • 16:40 - 28:40 Liquid Biopsy for Children with Cancer Challenges and Opportunities in Clinical Implementation
    Speaker: Alana Church, MD, Associate Director, Laboratory for Molecular Pediatric Profiling
  • 29:08 – 43:30 Applications of Liquid Biopsy in Clinical Studies
    Jonathan Beer, Senior Director Diagnostic Sciences, Solid Tumors, Bristol Myers Squibb
  • 43:38~ Discussion Panel
    • What are some of the challenges to childhood cancer research that can be helped by standardization or automation?
    • What role does automation play in liquid biopsy testing? And how Tecan’s liquid biopsy solution can help.
    • What are some of the challenges to greater adoption of liquid biopsy use in clinical practice?

Learn more about Tecan’s integrated solution suite for liquid biopsy workflows>>

This presentation was filmed at SLAS2024.

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