PME free-circulating DNA Extraction Kit by Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG

Manufacturer Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG  |  Available Worldwide
  |  1 reviews
The new PME technology simplifies your DNA extraction, increases your efficiency and saves your time

PME free-circulating DNA Extraction Kit by Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG product image
PME free-circulating DNA Extraction Kit

Average Rating: 4.3
1 Scientist has reviewed this product

4 out of 5
Ease of use
5 out of 5
After sales service
4 out of 5
Value for money

  • Status:

  • Member since: 2014

  • Organization: Laboratory of Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine

  • Ease of use
    4 out of 5
    After sales service
    5 out of 5
    Value for money
    4 out of 5
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Rating: 4.3

  • Application Area: Tissue Engineering

"The product is easy to use because of its easy procedure requiring less equipment and not very time consuming to obtain final results. I would recommend my colleagues to use this kit in their research. All the doubts were clearly answered by the company representatives after sending the kit. Even though I feel the kit is a bit expensive, I feel this will help in my research. The kit is very sensitive. "

Review date: 29 May 2014 | PME free-circulating DNA Extraction Kit

Features of manual nucleic acid isolation:

  • Easy handling, high efficiency and extremely time saving
  • Processing of starting sample volumes up to 10 ml
  • Proven for serum and plasma from different blood collection systems
  • Novel, patent pending technology: PME – Polymer Mediated Enrichment
  • Enrichment & extraction in approx. 30 min from 1 ml or approx. 1 h from 5 ml of serum or plasma and up to 10 ml from urine

Features of automated nucleic acid extraction:

  • Automized extraction of free-circulating DNA
  • Processing of starting sample volumes up to 10 ml
  • Novel, patent pending technology: PME – Polymer Mediated Enrichment
  • Enrichment & extraction in approx. 76 minutes from 1 ml or approx. 1,5 h from 5 ml of serum or plasma and up to 10 ml from urine
  • For usage of InnuPure® C16 and up to 16 samples in parallel


Circulating cell-free DNA is a very interesting diagnostic target, but the amount of freecirculating DNA is usually very low and varies among different individuals. Further, these nucleic acids are present as short fragments, typically smaller than 1000 nt, making the efficient extraction process challenging. Because of the high sample volumes the protocols of commercially available kits are very labor-intensive as well as time consuming and need a lot of reagents.

The PME free-circulating DNA Kit-IPC16 is based on a new, patent-pending technology called PME – Polymer Mediated Enrichment. As first step cell-free DNA in the entire sample is captured by a polymer. Afterwards this complex is collected as a pellet by centrifugation. Subsequently the captured nucleic acid is dissolved in a special buffer thus reducing the sample volume in the following extraction significantly. Subsequently the extraction of free-circulating DNA from up to 16 samples in parallel takes place within InnuPure® C16.



• Enrichment and isolation of cell-free DNA from serum, plasma or urine
• Sample preparation for further downstream-applications in pre-natal diagnostics, the diagnosis of metabolic diseases, or sports medicine

Product Overview

PME free-circulating DNA Extraction Kit by Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG product image

PME free-circulating DNA Extraction Kit

Manufacturer Analytik Jena GmbH+Co. KG  |  Available Worldwide

4.3 / 5.0 | 1 reviews